// (A) r4WB1t5 (A) r4WB1t5 micro festival is a new platform or framework for (A)narchistic forms of decentralized mini or micro festivals to self-organize around themes + theorypractices of raw bits of digital art + dirty new media. like dorkbot http://dorkbot.org/ pirate cinema http://piratecinema.org/ ++ the [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] http://www.nmartproject.net/ (A) r4WB!t5 micro.fest is an open + decentralized platform for playing realtime systems in conversational contexts. // .ORG organize + host your own (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest now! we are currently [contacting/connecting] ppl who are interested in the project in order to facilitate + encourage them to participate, collaborate + organize (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fests. contact us @ this addy: r4wb1t5 AT gmail.com (A) r4WB1t5 contexts will change from peer 2 peer, event 2 event, city 2 city, nationstate 2 nationstate. // CONFIG (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fests are configured w/ new media modalities, methodologies + intentions in mind, i.e. setting up the structure itself to be multiple, modular, distributed, microrevolutionary, rhizomatic, etc. configuring r4wb1t5 this way is in keeping w/the development of an application, platform [+/or] framework for conversations to happen around the themes of r4WB1ts. // DEFN (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest is a floating signifier, an unanchored link in sea of hypermedia + a form of active participation in transient + unstable new media cultures. // PLAY want to play, pform or show work @ (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest? have sum dirty beats, corrupted files, unsafe modes [+/or] broken electromechanical methodologies? contact the ever-changing list of (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest organizers + get involved! contact sum of the current (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest organizers: jonCates: joncates AT criticalartware.net jon.satrom: jon AT selectall.org (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest: r4wb1t5 AT gmail.com